With the recent debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye many have been giving more thought to all things "Creation" oriented. Questions such as, "How do science and the Bible mesh?", "Shouldn't we be thankful to God for science?" and my personal favorite, "Can't we love and appreciate both God and science?"
Social media has been littered with comments, personal analysis and private theologies now made public for the world to see. Allow me to couch this entire concept and each of the above questions in a phrase that all Christ followers would do well to remember: God Created Everything! Check out what Colossians 1:16 says. That's all things. Everything. All of it. You, me, them, us, that, this, things above, things below, things seen, things unseen, everything that is and ever will be or ever has been was and is and will be created by God. Period! And that includes science. Yes, God made science. If you look up the definition of the word science you get this. 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws. 2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. 3. any of the branches of natural or physical science. 4. systematized knowledge in general. 5. knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study. According to this definition "Science" is just our human interpretation of what God created. Science isn't adding to God's creation. You see we've confused "science" for something that it isn't. Cancer research & treatment Heart valve replacement Men on the moon Cell phone technology Brain surgery The research of those human genomes to help isolate cancer cells are genomes that God created. The replacement of a heart valve is done by the hands of a doctor that God knit together in the womb. The understanding of how to allow a cell phone signal to communicate with a satellite in space and then transfer halfway around the world in a split second while making a phone call is done with the brain power that God gave us as humans. These are all things that we say, "Science" is responsible for. Friends, science is nothing more than our human attempt to fully understand the complex world and bodies that God gave us at Creation. As a result of our misconceptions about what science really is, we say things like, "Can't science and God both exist" or "I am thankful for science because without it...". When we say these types of things, what we're really saying is that somehow, science is outside of God. Are we really suggesting that we as the created have outsmarted the Creator? Comments are closed.
April 2022