Everyone experiences pressure. It comes from work, family, friends or maybe even yourself. The pressure builds from all of these different areas and from time to time, it can feel like we’re just going to explode. We've all experienced those times in life when it seems as if everyone and everything around you is crashing in at the same time. Sometimes we start to feel like a balloon that’s being filled with air, as the balloon continues to grow, we run the risk of blowing to pieces. But what about those people that never seem to burst? Even though the pressure in their lives seems to continue to build they always remain afloat. Even though it appears as though they could not endure anymore, they remain steadfast. Do those people frustrate you too? So what differentiates those who rise to the occasion of the pressure and those who crumble underneath the weight? Allow me to suggest that the source of your response has everything to do with how you respond. Thank about it, if you surround yourself with people who respond poorly to the inevitable pressures in life, you will likely respond poorly as well. If you surround yourself with people that are quick to throw in the towel, you will also learn to throw in the towel quickly as well. It's the adage that your parents repeated over and over to you as a teenager: "You are who you hang out with". Now before you dismiss that old adage as something for young people and not for mature, mortgage paying adults, stop and think about how you've responded to the pressure in your own life. Aren't we sometimes as guilty as the next person when it comes to mishandling the pressure at work or at home? When the pressure mounts and your back is against the wall, how do you respond? If you're not careful, you will respond just like everyone around you is responding, for good or bad, if you're not careful, you'll fall right into line with all of the other balloon busting, pressure caving people around you. What if you simply learned to change your input? If the only input you receive tells you to give up, cave in, rage out, whine or throw yourself a pity party then guess what? THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO! If you call yourself a Christ follower then you've clearly forgotten what God's role is, in your relationship. If you're not a Christ follower, listen up. God tells Paul, the writer of 2 Corinthians, “Paul, my power works best in your weakness.” God doesn't need us to rise to the occasion, He's already done that for us. God doesn't need you to come up with a plan, map out a strategy or cast a new vision, He just needs you to tap into His strength for your life. God's in the business of exchanging your weaknesses for His strengths. When we bring confusion, God provides clarity through prayer. When we bring questions, God provides answers through His Word. Why do we continue to grope around in confusion and darkness when God says it's unnecessary? God can be your source in the midst of the pressure. He asks for it. He wants it. He can handle it. God clearly tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 to bring our weariness to Him. Think again about those "annoying" people who never seem to allow the pressure to get to them. They never seem to crumble, they never seem to get rattled, they never seem frustrated. Maybe they've already realized this truth in their lives? Maybe they've already started participating in God's exchange program? Just give it a try. Think of even one major pressure point in your life and make the commitment to give it to God. Search His Word for wisdom on the subject. Through prayer, seek His wisdom and watch to see how He eases the pressure. Comments are closed.
April 2022