My chair broke today. I was in my office, sitting in my chair talking with a few folks and "snap". The arm of the chair snapped right off. This of course sent me nearly on to the floor, as the arms of the chair also keep the back of the chair in place. Thanks to my cat like reflexes I managed to save myself before disaster struck.
We had a good laugh for a few minutes about the possibilities of what could have occurred had things taken a different course. But after the laughter subsided and my guests made their exodus, I was left with a broken chair. I made my rounds to the other areas of the building where I might harvest a replacement but wasn't satisfied with any of the options. When I returned to my office I stared at my chair for a few moments and reflected on what I would have done if my dad were still alive. A simple phone call would have solved my problem. No sooner would I have called then he would have been in my office, drill in hand, trick up his sleeve, with a couple of screws in his pocket. He always had what I needed. He always knew what needed to be done and more importantly, how to do it. He was seemingly unintimidated regardless of what lie before him. Nothing was too much, nothing was too difficult, nothing was out of his league. He would simply look at a problem, and fix it. What I, along with my family lost on January 6th was really, peace of mind. As a father to three sons, he provided a calming presence, an assurance that if the road got rough and the next move was unclear, dad would show the way and lighten the load. He could always fix our chairs. As I reflected on this truth about my dad, I was reminded of another truth, the Holy Spirit will never leave me. When Jesus ascended into Heaven He promised another that would come in His place to remind us, comfort us, convict us, guide us, encourage us and always be there to fix our chairs. As I stared at my broken chair I was reminded that my dad is in me. He helped create me. He taught me, he modeled for me, he guided me, he gave me the confidence to know that I was more than able to fix that broken chair. Not because of anything that I've become on my own but because of his influence in my life. With my new resolve I picked my chair up, took it downstairs and screwed it back together. As I sat back down in my newly repaired chair, I was thankful not only for a father that influenced me in such a powerful way but also for the power and influence of the Holy Spirit who will never pass away. I will never in all of my life be without the peace of mind that can only come from the Spirit's power in my life. A peace that passes all understanding. Comments are closed.
April 2022