John 1:5-9 says...
It’s like that game that you may have played growing up, the one where you stick your hand inside a bag or a box and you have to feel around and guess what it is that you are really touching. You feel something slimy and wet so you guess that you’re touching worms, and then they open the bag or the box and you were actually touching spaghetti noodles. Light exposed what was really in the box. Light exposes things for what they really are. Jesus, the Light exposes things for what they really are. Jesus Himself says so in the book of Mark. Mark 4:22 says... Often we don’t even realize that certain areas of our lives are dark, until the light shines in. We’ve all been sitting in a room working on a project, unaware of how dark it's become until someone flips the switch and poof, we’re amazed at how bright it is now. We failed to realize how dark it had become until the lights came on. The light of Christ exposes the darkness in our lives. Light also helps us find our way. We've all utilized a flashlight or a porch light for running to the car after dark to retrieve a cell phone or purse. At my house we always leave the bathroom light so when the kids wake up in the middle of the night, they can find their way. Seldom do any of us choose to stumble around an unfamiliar room with no lights on. If we are not used to our surroundings we simply flip on a light to figure things out. What's amazing though, are the number of people who choose to stumble around in life with no lights on. You and I have at our disposal the greatest Light ever. John 1:5 says that nothing can overcome the Light of Jesus and yet we continue to stumble in the darkness. You decide to use the Light or not use the Light. The Light is always there, but it may not be on. Much the same way that your house could be full of lights, but if they are all turned off, then you are still going to stub your toe in the middle of the night. Why are we satisfied with stubbing our toes when we don't have to be? Comments are closed.
April 2022