Don't get me wrong, I love a good celebration. It doesn't take much for me to have a slice of pie or a piece of cake. Honestly, most days I'm just looking for a reason to fist a couple of pieces of candy or some treats. That being said, I think we're getting a little out of hand with the national celebration days. After hearing an ad on the radio this morning for "National Lost Sock Day" I not only began to question our sanity as a nation, I also began to wonder what other "National Days" there were. After a quick search I discovered more than I bargained for. Check out a much abbreviated list of what I consider to be the "Top 10 Craziest" just during the months of May & June: May 1 - Law Day (Not even sure what this means) May 15 - National Mole Day May 15 - National Hug Your Cat Day June 2 - Yell "Fudge" at Cobras Day June 3 - Repeat Day (a.k.a. Annoy your co-workers day) June 13 - Kitchen Klutzes of America Day June 21 - Cuckoo Warning Day June 27 - Happy Birthday to the Happy Birthday Song Day June 30 - Sky Day June 30 - Log Cabin Day Here's what's interesting to me, largely these days go unsupported by the masses. Of course you may know a person or two that celebrates one or more of these crazy days but generally speaking, no one even knows about them. Someone, somewhere along the line decided that kitchen klutzes needed to be celebrated so they decided to garner a few signatures (or however you rally support for such a cause) and submit their day and name for consideration. Chances are, after a year or two, the significance of this day was forgotten about and yet it remains on an obscure list buried on the internet for someone like me to discover. There are literally hundreds of such days spread throughout the calendar year. Someone has attempted to give value and significance to almost everyday of the year while at the same time most people are completely unaware that such days even exist. As I drove this morning and listened to the radio host laugh about the ridiculousness of "National Lost Sock Day" I was reminded that we so often attempt to assign significance to our own lives that never seems to really catch. We strive to give ourselves value and meaning and purpose and before long that value, meaning and purpose begin to fade away and are forgotten about. There is only one source of value, purpose and meaning for your life that will last and that comes from God. Colossians 1:16 says, "for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see--such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him." You were created through Him and for Him. You will never find greater and more lasting purpose than when you look to Him for that purpose. Be encouraged and keep moving forward. Comments are closed.
April 2022