As the sun broken through the blinds in my bedroom this morning I was reminded of the faithfulness of God. Each day you and I are permitted the freedom to live our lives, make our own choices and unfortunately from time to time, reap the gross harvest of other's poor choices. Far too often we pillow our heads at night in despair. As day turns into evening our emotions ramp up and our hearts become heavy with grief for the choices we've made, the suffering we must endure because of the choices of others or the seemingly unfair hand that we've been dealt in this life. Far too often we fall asleep feeling as though we are bobbing in a sea of hopelessness and despair.
Allow me to remind you of the words found in Psalm 118:24, "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." God is the source of the sun poking through your bedroom blinds this morning. He is the one who has brought breath to your lungs and given you the capacity to open your eyes this morning for at least one more go around. He has sustained your life for this day for a reason. You are not here by chance. You are here for a reason. For those reasons alone you can rejoice today. Make the most of this day. You are not alone. He is with you. You can do this. Be encouraged and keep moving forward. Comments are closed.
April 2022